New drawing added
It's been a while since I have actually attempted to draw anything, but today I took the plunge after seeing a really cool image/illustration of Jessica Jones on Netflix. I searched google for a better copy, something more visible and began to draw. While I didn't get the angle of her head right, I still really like the finished copy. I also inked it, but I don't really like that version. However, I still added it to the gallery. I figure I can always learn by my mistakes, and of course when I keep practising, I can also go back and see how much I have improved!
I really do need to get back into the flow of drawing every day. Even if I don't complete a picture, at least attempt to do something, just to keep up the practise. I find that when I don't draw for a few days, or even leave it as long as a few weeks, my confidence fluctuates, because I get scared that I won't produce anything that is worthy enough. It's stupid I know, because it's not like I can't try again. It's not even like I have to show anyone the crap drawings. However, a blank page is daunting!
Two quotes for today that I have found quite inspiration and encouraging. “Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.” Salvador Dali
“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” Andy Warhol